With roots in design, it is naturally a source of inspiration in my artistic endeavours, providing a unique perspective.’


A graduate of the Carleton University School of Industrial Design, my art has roots in design. I create contemporary pieces of art using strips of canvas painted with acrylic, stretched and woven over exposed wood frames. A modern interpretation of a traditional craft - my art is a conversation between: painting & sculpture; art & design; organization & flexibility; traditional & modern; rational & playful and color & space. Based in Ottawa, Canada; my artwork has been presented at various art exhibitions in NYC, Miami and Toronto.

Artist statement

“I’m driven by a need to create, to explore and to challenge. For me, art is very personal, introspective and all consuming.  My creative journey will cover many mediums and will delve into different facets of art and design.  My paintings will be informed and enriched by my travels into these different worlds.” 

Intersect series


Studio & Process


Although there is generally a plan, work in progress is very iterative. It involves many rounds of building, disassembling and rebuilding the woven strips.


A highlight color is applied to the side edges of the canvas strip.